@article{oai:nagaoka-id.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000280, author = {市川, 治郎 and Ichikawa, Jiro}, journal = {長岡造形大学研究紀要, Nagaoka Institute of Design Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, At Nagaoka Institute of Design, we have opened the “Childrenʼs Manufacturing College” as a place for local children to develop their rich sensibilities and creativity through monozukuri from the viewpoint of “manabi” and “play”, and to create free ideas. In 2020, because the world was at the mercy of the new coronavirus threat, this effort was also canceled from the viewpoint of infection prevention, but look back on the efforts in 2019 and record the plan and practice as a research note. I would like to use it as a reference for future resumption.}, pages = {86--89}, title = {小学校図画工作科との関連を意識した地域活動の実践 〜「こどももの づくり大学校」における指導〜}, volume = {18}, year = {2021}, yomi = {イチカワ, ジロウ} }