@article{oai:nagaoka-id.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000245, author = {白鳥, 洋子 and Shiratori, Yoko}, journal = {長岡造形大学研究紀要, Nagaoka Institute of Design Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Independent pillars are placed on the central axis in the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève designed by Henri Labrouste, and this space is a rare example in the historic Western architecture. In this essay, I focused on this kind of the space, la Grand’Salle that existed in le Palais de la Cité in the medieval times Paris, who had the independent pillars on the central axis. I clarify the characteristic of this architecture, in the same time, clarify the rediscovery it by French architects and artists in the 19th century.}, pages = {13--20}, title = {中世シテ宮殿のグランド・サルにおけ る独立柱の空間 -その空間の消失 と19 世紀の再発見-}, volume = {17}, year = {2020}, yomi = {シラトリ, ヨウコ} }